If you’re familiar with the work of Andy Roth, then you’re already aware of the stunning, simple elegance and flawless symmetry of his art. His unique vision translated and brought to life through the glass medium results in expertly crafted artwork with intense aesthetic appeal and fantastic function.
Where are you from, and where are you currently blowing glass now?
I was born in Pennsylvania, but grew up in California. I have spent some time living in Washington state, but have landed back in California near family.
Who or what inspired you to get on the torch?
I would see beautiful glass pipe art on the internet, and knew nothing about how they were made. After finding out the glass was melted with a torch, I couldn’t not try my hand at blowing glass. The process of controlling the flow of molten glass has held my attention ever since.
How did you hone in on your signature style – what makes an Andy Roth piece an Andy Roth piece?
Architecture and simplicity. I draw a lot of inspiration from architecture, whether it be from a building, skyscraper or any interesting structure. And I like to live my life in simple ways, so I think that translates into me designing pieces that are clean of distractions – simple, but sometimes architecturally complex at the same time.
If you could collab with any artist out there, who would it be and why?
There are too many great artists I would love to collaborate with. Both inside the glass world and of other mediums.
What is the most difficult aspect of being a full-time glass artist?
I would say the most difficult part would be the ups and downs of productivity. Which I think can be said for any path in life. Being inspired or having motivation isn’t always going to be there, so it is important to remain disciplined and keep moving forward. And eventually, the inspiration or motivation will flow back.