Spice up your backyard barbeque and float your root beer and vanilla soda to the moon and beyond with Fire Eater’s delicious new drinks.
Nothing feels better than a cold drink at a summer gathering, and sipping a homemade root beer takes this writer back to the joyful daze of childhood – where sugar and friends were all one needed for an amazing day. As adults, we have bills to pay and annoying parents or a weird uncle at the party to deal with, which is why we need to catch a buzz – and exactly where infused sodas play a perfect supporting role in the need for weed at any party.
Fire Eater’s lineup of High Dive Sodas brings throwback flavors and blends them with high potency Cannabis for a unique edible experience that’s refreshing and fun. We love root beer, so we twisted that lid first on a warm day, relishing the fizzy first sips of sweet, spicy and creamy flavors. Root beer can be hard to describe, but this one was easy to drink and we guzzled the full 100mg soda quickly – filling our mind and body with a warming, euphoric high that built to a delightful, hours-long buzz. We recommend drinking this cold and before eating for maximum effects, or combining it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a true infused float!
While root beer might get all the credit for floats, there’s also a fun twist to the cold treat that can be made with Grape or Strawberry Rhubarb sodas – both of which Fire Eater has in their lineup. We gravitated towards the Grape after hearing from our friends at Green Jar that it’s their most popular drink sold, and we can taste why! Sharp and sweet with a perfect syrupy flavor that’s all soda, the Grape High Dive captures the moment while delivering a heady buzz in a deliciously sippable format.
As we head into the season of summer adventures and family gatherings, choose High Dive Soda for your next buzz and float your way through whatever you find fun … or even annoying.
This article was originally published in the June 2023 issue of Alaska Leaf.
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