Evermore Cannabis Company’s new project, Orange Grove, is our featured flower this month – bringing a most satisfyingly mellow and flavorfully elegant bud. As I understand it, in addition to the many strains Evermore produces in Maryland, they also run several small batch breeding projects in tandem with their regularly scheduled production. These projects are put to the test, literally and figuratively, by processing their first runs into a concentrate and running it through rigorous scientific and market testing. They are first evaluated based on an in-depth analysis of the terpene and cannabinoid profiles, and then sent to market to see how the public enjoys the new cultivar. This is a long and meticulous process, but ultimately leads to genetic selections that have been carefully vetted for high quality profiles and strong desirability.
Orange Grove is one such vetted genetic, emerging triumphant to earn a place in Evermore’s catalogue. The terpene profile features a luxurious hybrid effect produced by a 1.38% myrcene dominance, tempered with a nearly equal focused and uplifting dose of .86% pinene and .32% limonene, followed by the tranquil tail of .2% linalool and .11% caryophyllene. Orange Grove comes on gently and delicately, softening the mind and loosening the body in a slow, incremental direction, lingering long after each exhale and slowly evolving throughout the day.
My eighth came out with three perfectly cured, pine cone shaped nugs that had the ideal amount of moisture content and plenty of intact, resinous trichomes. I actually smoked this flower all day long, never getting so high I couldn’t function – but it definitely had a stronger psychoactive effect than I anticipated.
The flavor is true to its name with a significant citrus aroma that is slightly floral with a bit of blueberry. The orange notes are at the top of the nose and the florally goodness gently brushes against it, with the hints of fruit coming through on the exhale. After my first couple tokes, I could feel the familiar sensations creeping in as the anti-inflammatory and anxiolytic properties emerged, but as time went on, I slowly felt myself getting higher and higher. It was as if the terpenes were continuing to promote effects long after the cannabinoids settled in, and to me, this quality makes Orange Grove a special headspace to explore.
A high quality and flavorful ride, hats off to Evermore for producing such a truly exquisite profile and providing patients with so much bang for their buck!
Web: evermorecompany.com | @evermorebrands
3.07 total terps
24.61 thca
1.38 myrcene
.86 pinene
.32 limonene
.2 linalool
.11 caryophyllene
This article was originally published in the May 2021 issue of Maryland Leaf.
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