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Leaf Life Show #307 – Preserving Cannabis Culture

As the capitalizing on Cannabis continues by carpetbaggers and corporations, the sacredness of the plant becomes lost. But as the exploitation is inevitable, how do we safeguard the legacy that we beLEAFers hold dear to our hearts? You’re on this mission with Leaf Life!

First segment: Roots and Community

Second segment: International Stoner Pride

Greg The Guinea Pig: Caitlyn Ryan is the executive director of the Washington State Cannabis Alliance and also a Tier 3 producer/processor of Smoking Phoenix Cannabis Company (@caitlynryan, thecannabisalliance.us).

Products Featured:
1. Heavenly Buds—Guava Melon Live Rosin
2. Heavenly Buds—Papaya Melonz #7 Live Rosin Disposable Cart

REV 22:2

Stoney Baloney Episode: Marry the Ketchup 

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