Show #259 – From Military to Meds
The expectations of our national defense are for the recruitments to commit entirely to the cause by adopting the soldierly lifestyle. But for those who won’t go all in, enlisting with a branch is simply a way to collect a paycheck. And sometimes after uncle Sam prepares the individual for war, that war returns back to his doorstep. Hop on board the U.S.S. Leaf Life!
First segment: Once a Stoner, Always a Stoner
Second segment: The Battle Continues
Greg The Guinea Pig: Dan Lizotte (@dapperdansdank) was a Seargent in the US Army for 10 years and is now the General Manager of PRC Retail Chain in Washington State (@prc_edmonds_WA, @prc_conway_WA, @prc_arlington_WA).
Products Featured:
Avitas—Tangie Runtz Nug Jug
Avitas—Huckleberry Haze Disposable Vape Cart
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