Episode #161 – Problem Solving is Easy
I’ve got a secret for anyone paying attention. So long as you’re alive, you’re always going to be dealing with complications on some level. Yes, sometimes more than others, but there is no avoiding the hard cold fact that there will never be a day when you don’t have to generate a solution of some sort. It’s true. You’ll never be challenge-free at any point in your life. And as you resolve things, there will inevitably be fresh obstacles to overcome.
That’s actually not a secret at all.
Finding weed used to be a big problem. Like, there were times when we stoners were willing to put life and livelihood at great risk just to get a THC fix. And rightfully so—for those who crave the pleasurable acuity that this consummation of Phyto cannabinoids attached to the endocannabinoid receptors invokes, nothing compares. Not one drug in the world, plant-derived or synthesized, can replicate the unusual, yet natural euphoria gained from using Cannabis. It’s like a friend. You have a relationship with it. You smile when you think of her. It is love.
So anyway, you pretty much trade one obstacle for another. Be it drugs, or logistics, or bills, or partners, there will always be at least one situation in need of your resolve.
And money doesn’t fix everything, either. I know this. Not because I have a surplus cashish, but because I’ve never met someone wealthy who wasn’t wearing something of a heavy crown.
And in case you’ve been sleeping under a rock, the problem of finding weed has been resolved. And weed can put you in an introspective place of humility, patience, and gratitude, which is the mindset for solving those other seemingly difficult dilemmas.
So, get stoned. Because chances are the problem only exists in your head.
By the way, I publish a weed magazine. So I do have a surplus of hashish.