They say Nostradamus predicted World War III, which is inevitable, so you know he was on to something. According to the legions of believers who ruminate over his prophecies, the dude was a soothsayer if there ever was one. And these believers will tell you that his foresights of the French Revolution to the Apollo moon landings make him the greatest prognosticator of history – changing events since the caveman scribed the coming of a woolly mammoth dropping a load on his veranda.
Forecasts have been made throughout history, but rarely do they prove visionary. And although most academic sources have dismissed Nostradamus’ estimations as having been misinterpreted or mistranslated, there is no denying the serendipitous nature of his foreshadowing.
And there hadn’t been anyone to rival this uncanny ability in the nearly 500 years since until the 1970s, when the oracle called television projected into American living rooms an innovative production technique that would eventually lead to a common platform for society to successfully interact.
The undeniable proof was right there in the opening sequence as a telltale precursor of how five decades later, the majority of face-to-face correspondence would take place through a digital screen. Indeed, this technology showcased a simple family called The Brady Bunch with each member in their own square – but that this would prove as the genesis of the world’s first Zoom meeting – is now a complete shock.
Just think of what Nostradamus could’ve done with his own YouTube channel…
But even as the movie “Idiocracy” ironically lampooned the election of former professional wrestler Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho to the office of President of the United States, few in history predicted Cannabis becoming internationally legalized. And further, not even Nostradamus could have ever envisioned that Greg Brady would later hook up with his TV mom Carol Brady in real life, when the camera wasn’t rolling.