Manya Caralle’s goal is to make patients’ day better than it was when they walked in the door. Whether it’s something small like giving them a piece of information on how to save money, or something big like turning them onto a product they have never heard about, Manya has your back.
What inspired you to work in the Cannabis industry?
For me, it was because I was working in retail for a long time. I really wanted a break from it – I was getting worn out and reaching the end of my time there. I asked myself: What should I do next? I have always liked teaching people things and helping them, so I figured being a budtender was the best way to get into the industry and learn about it. December 2020 will mark one year as a budtender, and I am enjoying it a lot more than retail. I definitely wasn’t making the change in people’s lives then, as I am now.
What is your favorite way to spend a day off?
I do a lot of art outside of work – my background is actually in art and I went to MICA. I do a ton of illustrations, self portraits, costuming and makeup in my spare time. Not just for Halloween, but I attend conventions as well – I dress up for everything. After art school I took a little break from painting and other things; I was a little burnt out and that gave me time to focus on costuming and makeup. I mostly make wigs and makeup and my partner will do the sewing, so we kind of have a little group.
If you were given a thousand acres of land, what would you do with it?
I think it would be really nice to have a community of tiny homes with all my friends living with me. We would build it together – with a garden, spaces for indoor and outdoor art projects, and center it around the community. It would mostly be a massive art studio!
If you could live anywhere besides the US, where would it be and why?
I always had a lot of fun up in Canada. Whenever I went up there for business in the past I had so much fun – Vancouver is beautiful, it’s almost like the New York of Canada. I know they have Cannabis legalization there, so I would likely work in the Cannabis industry there too.
What makes you feel at peace?
Besides the obvious things like Cannabis, I will use white noise for relaxation. This sounds like the opposite of what you’d expect, but when I have anxiety, what really helps me is watching horror movies or true crime documentaries. It gives your anxiety some place to go and offers a healthy release of adrenaline.