Olivia Zebron has got it going on.
From improved skin care to a reduction in migraines, anxiety and depression, the 27-year-old native of Severn Parks, Maryland, has found a path to a better life through medical Cannabis.
“I’ve always had migraines and chronic pain,” Olivia said. “But I never loved using prescription drugs because they knock you out. The idea is to have something you can function with.”
Olivia makes use of concentrates, dabbing terpene-specific strains dominated by myrcene, beta-caryophyllene and terpinolene to reduce early arthritis.
“I want something that is a little more sedating because of my pain and anxiety – something that will suppress me a little but won’t keep me down,” she said. “No one wants to be stuck in bed all day.”
Keen on quality skin, the licensed esthetician also uses CBD to reduce inflammation brought on by psoriasis – a skin disease that causes red, itchy patches. When her psoriasis acts up, so does her anxiety, exacerbating excoriation – a skin-picking disorder that affects approximately 1.4% of American adults, and is more common for women than men.
“When it comes to skin care, I love using CBD,” she said, noting she rarely picks at her skin. “Because of its [chemical properties] and the amount of fatty acids, CBD clears the area up really fast and doesn’t leave scarring, which is incredible. It’s beneficial to your skin in so many ways. It’s really helped with my recovery process.”
Olivia was introduced to Cannabis at the age of 15 and began smoking flower to combat debilitating migraines.
“When I was in middle school, I really started to notice them,” she recalled. “I’d go down to the nurse’s office often and a lot of times no one would believe me. But then I started getting dizzy and had to go to a neurologist. I missed so much school, but luckily I was able to graduate.”
Medical Cannabis has been able to put the kibosh on temporal-throbbing headaches, allowing Olivia to be much more productive, opening up time for providing waxes and facials for clientele, as well as dispensing patient advice through her social media channels.
“They’re under control now,” she said. “I feel like I mainly use Cannabis for my depression and anxiety at this point. To have a migraine once a month is still a lot – they’re completely debilitating. I’ll be down for two or three days. But that’s much better than being down two to three days per week.”
Olivia has also made a conscious effort to take what she sees as a healthier approach to medicating, switching from Cannabis flower to concentrates.
“I’m mainly a dab person,” she said. “I don’t like the feeling that comes with the combustion of smoking flower. Unless I’m vaping, it feels a little too harsh. Concentrates are stronger and it’s just better medicine for me.”
A proud owner of a Corgi and Golden Retriever, Olivia even provides CBD treats for her dogs when their anxiety runs high.
“I really think everybody should use hemp or Cannabis,” she said. “My whole life, it’s been hard to figure out basic ways to calm down and gain back that self control. I think Cannabis is one of the healthier ways I’ve been able to do that – without taking a pill or grabbing a drink.”