Strawberry and Mango go together like THC and CBD, and lucky for us, the Ray’s Lemonade shots deliver both with delicious flavors and heady effects – perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
People who drink juice or smoothies in the morning are generally healthy and happy, and the same can be said for those who choose Cannabis over alcohol or other drugs. And while waking and baking might have been looked down upon in the past, there’s no better time in this writer’s stoned opinion to get high than the beginning of the day. Thankfully, with lil’ Ray’s shots, the chance to change a boring morning into an epic adventure is only a twist and sip away.
Good things come in small packages … and that’s exactly what each lil’ Ray is full of: great flavors and high potency cannabinoids, ranging from 50mg to the 100mg THC shooters. They’re delicious solo and easily popped and shot with discretion, but our favorite way to get high with Ray’s is to mix them into a beverage. The shots are the perfect size to add to a drink, and there’s really no limit to the options when it comes to infusing.
We mixed the 50mg 1:1 with fresh juice for a morning buzz that’s great at relieving pain and anxiety, and we loved the Mango Lemonade twist we mixed into a Red Bull for a Cannabis version of an energy drink cocktail. From smoothies to mixers and everything in between, lil’ Ray’s shots provide the perfect addition to take a normal day or drink and turn it up to 11 … one refreshing sip at a time! | @raysinfused
This article was originally published in the June 2023 issue of Northwest Leaf.
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