Show #214 – Film Festivals
The most proven way to build awareness for a new movie is to get acceptance into these fun competitions. And as these showcases provide important networking for filmmakers, they are also a place for movie lovers to binge on new projects. Because in the business of show, being seen is keen. Put on the 3-D glasses, and let’s roll!
Subject discussed in the first segment: The Place to Connect
Subject discussed in the second segment: Cannabis Film Festivals
GREG THE GUINEA PIG: Justin Freet is the founder of the Blunt Film Festival – a Cannabis Film Festival – and co-creator of Every Day Is A Journey, which is an Exquisite Corpse film project.
Cookie Jar Cannabis—Mi Amor Nug Jug
Cookie Jar Cannabis—OMG Nug Jug
STONEY BALONEY EPISODE: Drinking and Thinking