A self-proclaimed nerd, Brandon is into things like comics, model kits and anime. And it all comes together in his love of drawing – where he’s able to take inspiration from the combination of interests to create something uniquely his – which he hopes will someday inspire others.
Do you smoke or dab?
Recently I’ve been getting back into flower just to change it up, but I’m a dabber. I’ve got a wonderful selection of glass at home that I love to bust out, both rigs and bongs. Lately, we’ve been getting so much new flower into the shop, and I need to try it out to make sure it makes the cut – so the bongs have been getting the most use.
That’s called Research & Dabvelopment.
You’ve been at The Top Shelf longer than anyone on the staff, yet you’re still tending bud. What does that say about your love for interacting with people?
I enjoy finishing a good day’s work when I can check off a lot of to-do stuff, but it’s nothing compared to sharing time with people who will come up and just simply say, ‘Buddy, what am I smoking today?’ Being able to provide them with something that will work accordingly with their plans makes me shine – I want to have a positive impact on their day. I try to never let my mood dip, I’m blessed where I am and if I can’t show that in what I do, then what’s the point in doing it?
Do you see yourself making a career out of this industry?
Yes, that’s what’s happening now. I just showed up one day for a job here, as I was also working on a farm at the time. Fast-forward and now it’s been four years, I’m no longer on the farm. And the respect my boss has for me compared to the beginning is on a different level, which I love. It feels good.
You love being recognized for your work and personality, rather than simply for the appearance of a hairy lion?
Yes! (Laughs) Amen, bro, amen. I’m really nice and cuddly underneath it all.