Fueled by Fantasy
A happy-go-lucky father-and-son team started the grand scheme a couple of years ago with the Gelato brand, which evolved into this kaleidoscopic flagship store. The concept was simple: to continue proliferating their San Diego lifestyle, evolving the family dynamic into something that brings joy to not only themselves but, more importantly, to the community. It looks like a great idea on paper, but here are George and Cody Sadler proving the point while making lasting contributions to the community. Their motto is to work hard and play harder. And here, they’ve created an adults-only playground atmosphere that invites all the senses.
Wonka Wonderland
The idea was to formulate a “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” theme, where a vibrant color palette catches your attention like trees catch sunlight. With a “candy store for mom and dad” vibe, the explosion of brightness grabs your immediate attention, while the stimulating menagerie corrals your curiosity. There’s even a psychedelic bend, making this a wonderful store to explore even on a microdose. With the product out in the open, you’re able to move around and investigate what interests you, while some of the window wraps reveal minute artistic trails that’ll force you to take a closer look.
Sticky Notes
Talk about giving back to the community; these guys are on top of their game. Every year for Thanksgiving, they contribute 700 turkeys to anyone who shows up at the shop, no purchase necessary. And the list goes on! Last year, they donated tons of tents to the homeless community and 5,000 backpacks with school supplies for kids, including rulers, tape sticks, pencils, erasers, glue sticks, Post-it Notes and more. Last December, they bought $10,000 worth of toys to give to parents for their kids. Thanks, fellas!
Staff Picks
Nameless Genetics Mega Vino –Paloma
Traditional Biscotti –Alicia
Takeout Great Wall OG –Felicity
Smokey’s Dank PB&J Hash Hole –Tristen
Lolli’s Saturn OG 5pk –Joseph
ColdFire –Alicia
Dime Industries Whoa-Si-Whoa –Ana
Soil Grown Orange Bellini –Tristen
Holy Water GMO –Ana
Jetty Extracts Donny Burger –Devin
Mary’s Medicinals Transdermal Compound –Paloma
Gelato Soothe Cream –Felicity
Emerald Bay Extracts RSO –Devon