Super Mellows
Cannabis-Infused Marshmallows
6.25mg THC/serving, 100mg THC/package
Luscious, pillowy and phenomenally dank, these scrumptious cannabinoid clouds out of San Francisco would go ridiculously well with a cup of hot chocolate. Each pouch contains one large mallow brimming with 100mg THC. Available in a number of inventive flavors, such as Birthday Cake, Black Sesame, Raspberry Rose Lychee, Orange Dreamsicle, Peanut Butter Pretzel and more.

Pop-Up Potcorn
10:1 THC:CBD Popcorn
10mg THC/package, 1mg CBD/package | @popuppotcorn
Popcorn can be a tricky beast in the Cannabis edibles world, because once you start munching, sometimes the perpetual munchie machine kicks in and before you know it, you’ve eaten an entire bag. Luckily, Pop-Up Potcorn doses their popcorn to one dose per bag, saving the trouble of policing your personal intake. The jalapeño cheddar flavor featured a snappy crunch and a slight kick, with a flavor pleasantly more subtle than many commercial pre-popped corn brands.

La Familia
Abuelita Hot Chocolate Cookies
10mg THC/cookie, 100mg THC/package | @lafamiliachocolate
For those of us with the memories, it’s hard to beat the cookies fresh out of the oven at Grandma’s house. Abuelita (Grandma) Hot Chocolate Cookies plays on that memory, as well as the famed brand of spiced Mexican drinking chocolate of the same name. With a sweet crunch and a spicy cinnamon overtone, these cookies from La Familia in Los Angeles tap that vein of deep nostalgia.

La Familia
Fresa Krispies
10mg THC/serving, 100mg THC/package | @lafamiliachocolate
Not settling for cookies alone, La Familia also delivers the deliciousness with their Fresa Krispies, which combine puffed rice, marshmallow cream, and slight fruity character into a sweet square of irresistible flavors. This is one where we immediately craved a tray of unmedicated krispie treats, so we could just keep the flavor flowing.

Advanced Liquid Technology
10mg THC/package
In a field of over-the-top flavors and rich, confectionary creations, a near flavorless, colorless liquid stands out among the pack. ALT, which stands for Advanced Liquid Technology, offers a clear, easy shot to add to just about any liquid.

F.A. Nino’s
Smokin’ Green Pot Sauce
10mg THC/serving, 100mg THC/bottle | @faninos_godfatherofsauce
For those looking to really kick it up a notch for a fire feast at home, F.A. Nino’s line of infused sauces offers a tasty addition to any table. The Smokin’ Green Pot Sauce has a slightly spicy verde character, with a low enough dose density to get enough flavor without saucing yourself under the table.

Emerald Sky
Creme-Filled Chocolate Cookies
10mg THC/serving, 100mg THC/package | @emeraldskyedibles
We know what you’re thinking, but these aren’t called by the name on the tip of your mind’s tongue. No, what Emerald Sky offers here is a Creme-Filled Chocolate Cookie, and a darn fine one at that. At 10mg THC per serving, lighter consumers will want to make sure they have some of those other, uninfused cookies on hand to pair with the rest of their glass of milk. But for the rest of you, simply unwrap, twist, dip, crunch – and repeat.